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How To Get Referrals

Computta 728x90 banner money generator.j

Computta has got a very profitable 5-tier referral program where you can invite people to join and earn commissions from your referrals on multiple levels. (10%, 5%, 5%, 3%, 2%)


The earning potential is huge because once you have a few active referrals in your downline, your referral network will grow automatically and your commissions will increase over time!

Here are some tips and traffic sources where you can advertise your referral link...



Your Target Market


The great thing about Computta is that you can actually target 4-5 different niches/businesses 

where people could be interested in making money online with cryptocurrency mining...


1. Cryptocurrency Niche

2. Home Based Business Niche

3. Computer Geeks

4. PC Gamers

5. Internetcafe's


You should think outside of the box and not only focus on the home based business or crypto niche but also try to build networks and advertise in other niches as well. Internetcafe owners

for example could really benefit from cryptocurrency mining applications like Computta Smart Miner and earn some extra income when the computers are turned on. 


Your commissions from PC gamers, computer geeks and Internetcafe owners will be higher

because they probably have better hardware or access to multiple PC devices!



Video Marketing


Video creation is what you should do first...


The best time to start is right when you sign up and go through the download and installation process so you will have your first "How-to" video!


Create and use your own promotional videos, make a short video tutorial and How-To videos, or share your experiences, updates and results with your viewers and subscribers.


This will give you hands free traffic from Youtube!


You can also upload your videos on other video sites or share your videos at



Build Your Own Blog Or Website


It takes some time and practice to build your own blog or website and generate traffic from the search engines but it's always better to create your own content and share your personal views about products like Computta because there are many scams and more people are doing their research to find out if Computta is legit or not.

​ or are free and easy to use if you want to start a blog or website but

your content will rank much better in the Google search engines if you buy your own domain and website hosting.



Email Marketing


Capture email adresses to build your own list of subscribers who are interested in Computta

so you can follow up with them automatically and build your own email marketing campaign.

​ is a free autoresponder where you can have up to 2000 subscribers

and send up to 14.000 emails per month.





Forums are a great place to learn and discuss things related to cryptocurrency with other people and some forums offer multiple ways to advertise your referral link or banner.


Click Here to sign up and post your Computta referral link at forum for free!



Traffic Exchanges & PTC (Paid To Click) Sites


View advertisements to earn credits or cash (bitcoins) and use those credits/cash to promote your Computta referral link. You can also purchase credits directly to get instant traffic!








Banner Ad Networks CPM & PPC


Advertise your banner or use other ad formats like text ad or pop under ads etc.











Advertise your banner on popular cryptocurrency blogs.


Click Here to see a list of the top 100 cryptocurrency blogs.





Hire a freelancer to help you with your advertising, video or website creation and design, SEO and many other services!


Click Here to sign up at

​ is a similar site where you can pay or get paid in bitcoin.



I hope my tips and resources will help you to get more traffic and referrals!


More advertising strategies and traffic sources will be shared on this page soon.


Do you have any questions or advice?


Feel free to leave a comment below!


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