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My Personal Earnings

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Disclaimer: This proof of earnings is not a guarantee that you would earn the same like me,

but it is possible to earn this much or even more with an equal or greater advertising strategy and work ethic or better PC hardware. Results may vary individually!


I first started using Computta in February 2018 on a laptop and about 2 months later also on my gaming PC (GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX1050).

My gaming PC.jpg

You can take a look at my backoffice to see how much I have earned so far

and how many personal/sub-referrals I have in my referral network.

(Last Updated: 24.01.2019)

Here's the latest video of Computta Smart Miner App running on my PC

I upload a video to my Youtube channel every week to share my personal earnings and keep my followers updated about my progress. I also share my results on Twitter and Facebook!


Sometimes I also do LIVE streams to share my results in real time and answer questions.


You're welcome to subscribe and check out how much I have earned so far!


Click Here to visit my Youtube channel.


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